The buy-in price is different from the purchase price of a share. The buy-in reflects the price that an instrument must reach in order to cover the cost of your position and one euro external settlement costs. For this reason, the buy-in is not the same as the execution price of the instrument transaction.
The buy-in price takes into account your buy/sell history and fees. If you make multiple purchases of the same instrument, the buy-in is calculated as a weighted average of all costs incurred per share you are holding. Therefore, it's doesn't have to be the same as the execution price of your last purchase.
For partial sales of the shares you are holding, the First in - First out principle is used to calculate the buy-in. This means that if a position was built up by several purchases and is then partially sold, the buy-in will be calculated subtracting the execution price of your purchases in order from oldest to newest.
Buy-in calculation:
A buy-in price is calculated as follows:
(execution price x number of units + one euro external settlement costs) / number of units.
When trading crypto, the same calculation logic is used as with stocks, ETFs and derivatives. Since with crypto you often trade in fractions, it can happen that the external settlement costs have a greater impact on the buy-in. Therefore, it can happen that the buy-in displayed in the app differs greatly from the execution price.
Please keep in mind:
- Corporate actions and securities transfers may cause the buy-in data to be miscalculated until the new acquisition price is updated. This can take up to 3 weeks.
- The buy-in is only an indicative average value and has no influence on the performance of your investment.
- You can find the actual buy-in prices in the corresponding order confirmations (via Cash > Transactions).
- The buy-in is updated over night so if you have made multiple buys or sells during the day, it could be wrongly displayed until the next day.
Sample calculation:
- Stock transaction: You buy 2 shares at 10 EUR each with one euro external settlement cost, for a total of 21 EUR.
Your buy in is 10.5 (= 21 EUR divided by 2 shares).
Buying another share at the same price and fee will make your buy in 10.67 EUR (=32 EUR divided by 3 shares).
- Crypto transaction: You buy 0.001 Bitcoin at a price of 40.000 EUR per Bitcoin. You receive Bitcoin equivalent to 40 EUR. For this purchase, you're charged 40 EUR plus one euro external settlement cost, for a total of 41 EUR.
Your buy-in would be 41.000 EUR (= 41 EUR divided by 0.001 Bitcoin).