When you make a payment, it will usually happen in two steps:
- We first set the money aside in your account to ensure it's reserved for that specific transaction. As a result, your available balance is reduced and the transaction will appear as pending.
- The merchant then confirms the transaction is complete and is ready to receive the money from your account. The transaction will then show as completed. This usually happens within a few days after you have made the payment
On some occasions, the transaction amount may change as the merchant finalises the transaction. For example, when ordering groceries online, the price of certain items like vegetables may be estimated at first with the final amount adjusted during delivery and confirmation by the merchant. If the final amount is lower, we will only pay the adjusted amount to the merchant and return the difference to your available balance. In case of disagreement with the final amount charged, you should first contact the merchant. If you are unable to resolve the issue, you can file a dispute in the app.