A stock corporation has three mandatory bodies. The Annual General Meeting of a public limited company is one of these bodies, alongside the Supervisory Board and the Management Board. It describes the meeting of shareholders at which they can exercise their rights in the affairs of the public limited company. In addition to the shareholders, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board should also attend the meeting.
*Please note that you must own at least one whole share.
You will be informed about an upcoming Annual General Meeting in your profile. Now it is important to know what type of shares are involved:
I. Registered shares
If the shares are registered shares, no further steps are necessary. If you would like to attend the Annual General Meeting, you simply need to register in the share register by the deadline. You will find the option to do this in the settings in your profile.
II. Bearer shares
The situation is slightly different for bearer shares. If you wish to exercise your voting rights, you must order an admission ticket.
A corresponding document will be made available to you in your profile in good time. Here you can either order the admission ticket in your name or transfer it to a third party, stating their address details. To ensure that the admission ticket is dispatched on time, your order must be received by us by 11:00 a.m. on the last day of deposit/registration at the latest.
Instruction costs
Please note that a fee of EUR 25.00 will be charged for ordering a voting card in accordance with Trade Republic's List of Prices and Services. This also applies to Annual General Meetings that take place virtually. You can find more detailed information on the costs of voting instructions in our List of Prices and Services.