As soon as you’ve created an order, we’ll forward it to the marketplace. We’ll notify you when your order has been executed. You can always view all open and executed orders via Wealth > scroll down to Orders & Insights > tap Orders.
The order execution time generally depends on the type of order:
Market order: Orders without a limit are executed in the marketplace at the next best price – "cheapest" for purchases and "best" for sales. The price per unit shown or the total value is therefore not binding and is only considered a guide. Market orders are usually executed immediately.
Limit order: Orders executed at a predetermined or better price. A limit order is executed as soon as the price of the security reaches your predetermined limit price. Each limit order has a certain period of validity during which the order can be executed. You can choose between a validity of one day or 360 days. At the end of the validity period, your order expires and will be cancelled.
Stop order: Orders executed at a predetermined or lower price. A stop order is generally executed as soon as the price of the security has reached your predetermined stop price. Each stop order has a certain period of validity during which the order can be executed. You can choose between a validity of one day or 360 days. At the end of the validity period, your order expires and will be cancelled.