To keep your money safe and secure, we protect your account with a variety of security features, including locking your account.
If this happens, you’ll see the message Too many attempts, try again in xyz days. and access to your account will be restricted. This may happen for a variety of reasons, including login attempts made via different IP addresses in a short period of time.
To unlock your account:
- To ensure that you can log in, it’s important that you first close the app completely, i.e. exit the app in the multitasking view.
- Next, switch your internet connection method. This means switching to Wi-Fi if you are currently using mobile data or switching to mobile data if you are currently using Wi-Fi.
- When you have completed these steps, log in with the phone number registered to your account.
If you’ve input your PIN incorrectly too many times or you’ve made too many SMS code requests contact us.