Round up allows you to turn spending into investing. Every time you spend with your card, your card payment will be rounded to the nearest Euro and will be invested into the stock or ETF of your choice. You can choose to just invest your spare change or a multiplier of it.
How it works:
- To enable Round up, select the Round up benefit from the Benefits section under Card in your Profile tab.
- Select an optional multiplier and 1 stock or ETF to invest in.
- The Round up amount is generated by rounding up your card payment to the nearest Euro If you have chosen a multiplier, this amount is multiplied (2x, 3x, 5x, or 10x).
For example - You’ve activated Round up and set your multiplier at 2. You buy a coffee that costs 2,50 EUR. We automatically round up your purchase to 3 EUR, take that 0,50 EUR difference, multiply it by 2, and deduct 1 EUR from your balance as Round up. - Your Round up amount is deducted from your cash balance and accumulated weekly. The accumulated amount is then invested on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd of each month (or the next working day if these dates fall on public holidays). You can track your amounts in the Round up section. You can’t withdraw this amount before it’s invested. Round up is not generated for card verifications and 0 EUR transactions.
Please note: Even if the card transaction is cancelled at a later point, or the transaction amount changes, the Round up amount will not be cancelled or changed, as it is calculated and earmarked from the point of card authorization.
How it’s calculated
- Your spare change is determined by rounding up the authorised amount to the nearest Euro and calculating the gap.
- You should know: we always round up to the nearest Euro. For example, if you spend exactly 2 EUR, the Round Up will be to 3 EUR. In that case, the spare change will be 1 EUR.
- If you choose to add a multiplier, your spare change amount is your spare change x your multiplier (options are 2x, 3x, 5x, or 10x your spare change).