To get a complete overview of your paid out interest, head over to Cash, scroll down to Benefits and tap the interest tile to reveal your interest details.
There you will see exactly how much interest you have been forwarded both in total and how much you are accumulating on a daily basis, based on your uninvested balance:
- You can find this amount in the upper right corner under interest earned.
- This amount is updated monthly after each payout.
- It shows the total interest paid to you since you started earning interest on your uninvested cash balance.
- Under Overview you’ll find Average Balance for the month, the next payout date and info about how much interest you've accumulated so far that month.
- This amount is updated daily and shows your monthly total.
- It shows you the interest that has already accrued for the current month. As soon as your interest is paid out at the end of the month, it will be added to the total interest and the number will be reset to 0.