The data and exempt amounts contained in the exemption order are transmitted to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt). They may be used to carry out an administrative procedure or a judicial procedure in tax matters or a criminal procedure for a tax offense or a fine for a tax offense, and may be transmitted by the BZSt to the social benefit providers to the extent that this is necessary to check the income or assets to be taken into account for the social benefit (§ 45 d EStG).
Please note:
By issuing the exemption order, you and your partner assure that your exemption order will be sent together with exemption orders to other credit institutions, building societies, the BZSt etc. does not exceed the maximum amount applicable to you of 1,000 EUR/2,000 EUR. You also assure that you will not claim the exemption or refund of capital gains tax with all exemption orders issued for the calendar year.
The data requested in the exemption order is collected on the basis of Section 44a paragraphs 2 and 2a, Section 45b paragraph 1 and Section 45d paragraph 1 EStG. Providing the tax identification number is required to transmit the exemption data to the BZSt. The legal basis for collecting the identification number results from Section 139a paragraph 1 sentence 1 second half sentence AO, Section 139b paragraph 2 AO and Section 45d EStG. The identification number may only be used for the purposes of the taxation procedure.
The maximum amount of 2,000 euros only applies to spouses/life partners who issue a joint exemption order and who meet the requirements for joint assessment in the sense. See Section 26 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 EStG.
The joint exemption order must be changed, for example, after the dissolution of the marriage/civil partnership or if you live permanently apart. If spouses/life partners issue a joint exemption order, this will result in the losses of one spouse/life partner being offset against the profits and income of the other spouse/life partner at the end of the year.
Exemption orders can only be limited to the end of the calendar year. However, a reduction up to the amount already used in the calendar year is permitted. If an exemption order has not yet been used in the current year, it can also be revoked on January 1st of the current year. The exemption order can only be made for all accounts at a credit institution or another contractor.
Increase in the exemption order to 1,000 EUR as of January 1st, 2023:
On December 2nd, 2022, the new annual tax law was passed and when it came into force on January 1st, 2023, the saver flat rate was increased from the previous 801 EUR to 1,000 EUR. This has a direct impact on your exemption request, as we are obliged to automatically increase our customers' exemption orders by 24.844% according to the legal changes. This corresponds to the factor of the increase from 801 EUR to 1,000 EUR.\nWe will therefore automatically process your exemption request in update the first week of January. You don't have to do anything yourself. You will be informed about the process in your app timeline. Please note that you cannot adjust your exemption request yourself during this time. Once the customization on our site is complete, you can customize it in the app as usual.
Information about the spouse/partner and their signature are only required for a joint exemption order (please delete what does not apply).
Please note that we do not provide tax advice.